How to Declutter Your Home: 6 Tips from Experts

Donation Box

Most people wish that they could have a home worthy of those minimalist magazines. There is just enough stuff in these spaces to be practical and look lived in, but nothing is overwhelming. If your goal is to pare down stuff, we have some expert tips to share.  

While organizing and tossing items comes naturally to some, other people will need these tips on how to declutter your home.

1. Break It Down into Steps 

It’s often too overwhelming to look at all of the work you need to do to declutter your home at once. Instead, make a list of very small steps you need to take. Challenge yourself to do just the first step today. You may find that once you break the barrier of starting, it is easy to continue. If not, doing only one step per day will still help with decluttering.  

2. Sort Your Stuff 

The well-known sorting method of “keep, donate, and trash” is best. Have a bin for each as you move through your home. If you are the type of person who has trouble deciding, also keep a “can’t decide” bin and seek to empty it out at regular intervals. 

3. Know What You Wear 

Clothing and shoes are often the bulk of our clutter, especially in the bedroom or the hall closet. Keep track of what you wear by writing it down daily. When you discover which items you don’t wear at all, it will be a lot easier to toss them. 

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4. Keep the Best 

When you have multiple items of the same sort, it can be hard to let go. Challenge yourself to only keep the best of each type of thing. You can cheat a bit if you want by defining your things more narrowly. For example, you can keep the best set of throw pillows or keep the best set for winter and the best set for summer. 

5. One-in, One-Out 

Make a commitment to yourself that every time you bring an item into your home, you’ll take one out. This helps you both remove clutter from your home and only buy the things you know you’ll want to keep. Your new items are less likely to end up in the “donate” pile this way. 

6. The Ex-Test 

This is a simple test for people who have trouble tossing things. Would you contact an old ex you can’t stand just to get this item back? If not, then maybe the item is not that important and should be donated or thrown out. 

Start Fresh Today 

Are you ready to get a fresh start in a whole new home? DeSozio Homes is a real estate developer in Hamilton that can help you build an exceptionally modern home. Reach out to us for more details today! 

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